March 1, 2010

Do u look good?

It's been a long time. But, it does feel good to be back!

Travel seems to bring about new thoughts in my head. Well, not exactly traveling.. but while traveling back home.. from work... or the kind!

We human beings have always been very much concerned about our looks. The way we look, our complexion, height, so on and so forth.. And if u talk about Indians, there is a definite concern about the looks. From childhood, parents keep telling the kids the 'importance' of looking good. A girl, if not beautiful might not find a good groom. The stories are endless.

But does it really matter? The looks that is.. What has a person's looks got to do with his achievements? Is it that only a good looking person is good at heart? Why does a girl's looks become so important when searching for a groom? Won't she be the same person, even if she didn't look the way she does? Why does it matter? How does it matter?

May be its not that unimportant after all... Why do we easily get along with people who are good looking... why do we get attracted to people just by his looks at first. why is there anything called love-at-first-sight? Why are we little hesitant to talk to someone who is not good looking?

It may be only my experience, but I have hardly seen really successful people who don't look all that good. Is it just a coincidence or not.. I don't know. But may be there is a reason for it. I am just trying to figure it out here.

Imagine a child who is not fair.. or who is not thin.. is fat... or has thick spectacles.. Doesn't he get teased by his friends everyday... Aren't his friends always reminding him/her of how he/she looks.. rather how he/she doesn't look... Even the parents keep reminding the kid of his looks..rather the lack of it.. (this esp happens if you are an indian girl child who is not very pretty)..

How does a kid react to these situations? His brain is naive.. He only believes what he sees or hears.. and he probably starts believing that looks after all might be important in life. He probably gets an inferiority complex... He starts thinking that his friends who are the so called good looking ones are the ones who will end up successful...

Imagine the confidence of such a child. This kid won't even think of success.. He won't even believe that he can be successful in anything he does. However as he grows, he might get over all the inferiority complex. But the lack of confidence is what remains. Even when such a kid grows up, he is still doubtful about his potential. All caused because of what he went through during his childhood.. All because he didn't look the best.

The lack of confidence he will have remains for a long time. And it affects his performance throughout his life.. his college, his work, may be even while talking to person's of opposite sex... it affects everywhere... and its difficult to get over it at a later stage.

So i believe that looks of a person might not be such an unimportant aspect of his life. I know its really sad.. but i am afraid, i feel its the truth... The looks affects the psyche of a kid and it remains affected forever... Yes, i know its wrong... its not all false. May be someday we will see that looks are not at all given importance while judging a person.. but till then.. we got to live with it

PS: This is totally my own views based on my own personal experiences. I agree this is debatable. Counter views are welcome.

November 30, 2008

I have had enough

It has been almost 4 days. 4 days of terror, unimaginable, unprecedented terror. I am shocked, stunned. I am angry. And I am shit scared.

4 days ago on 26th November, few terrorists wrecked havoc in Mumbai. They fired openly at innocent people, took many people hostage & shattered couple of 5 star hotels.

Friends and family have been asking me how i am? I have to tell them i am fine, i am alive. That this time, i was safe. But am i really fine? Physically yes. Mentally?? I am shattered. I am scared. I will not be the same again. From now on whenever i travel in a bus or train, i will suspect each and every co-passenger. I will wonder whether any one of those is carrying a gun or a bomb. I will be scared to walk in open, to go to restaurants for dinner, go shopping in a mall. These terrorists have changed the way we live.

Mumbai has been attacked many times before. Everytime we have returned to normalcy quite fast. We have been resiliant. We have told the terrorists that what ever you do, we will not let it affect us. We will still live our lives the way we do. And this motivated them to come back at us harder and in a bigger way.

We have been resiliant enough. We have always become used to the life that we have been given. But its enough now. I have had enough. Its not time to be more resiliant. Its time to show the terrorists that we won't accept it any more. Its time to tell those people that if you attack us, you will be hurt more. For this we have to change. We have to stop accepting things and stop getting used to it. We have to start fighting.

Its time we stop blaming each other. Its time we stop being selfish. Its time we all unite and stand up against these messengers of terror and tell them that we have had enough. Either you stop or you pay the price.

Also its time to pay a tribute to all those brave commandos, army men & police men who laid their lives so that we could sleep peacefully. Thank you!

October 12, 2008

The fight continues...

Week after week after week, the fight goes on. The struggle continues. I know not till when.

It was not the usual devil this time. But it was a closely related brother.

You think the brother is not so dangerous. That you can easily owerpower it. That finally it will be you who will be victorious.

But by the end of the bout, its him who is laughing at you. Just like his brother does everyweek. Lauging at you from the corner after he has made a mockery of you.

And you hope that next week it will be your day. It will be you who will be laughing.

Week after week after week, the mocks come and go. They hit u so hard that u don't even realise. And by the time they go u are left wondering what to do.

This week it was not mockCAT, but mockSNAP.

SNAP is considered to be easy compared to its counterpart CAT. But then you forget that it got more questions and less time. 150 questions in 120 min.

Add to that the GK section. 40 questions of general knowledge. What do they get by putting all those history, geography & civics questions which you had studied but don't know when. I mean its an MBA entrance. Let there not be GK. And if it is there let it be only business related. Not some 100AD waala history.

Then there is the analytical section. Well its heaven for me atleast. Scored more than 50% of marks in that section. Glad they give 2 marks for a right answer here.

And then comes the verbal. The ambiguous VA. Where you never know what the actual answer is. 40 questions where you are not sure whether what you are attempting is right or wrong.

And when you finish these three sections and you feel that time is up and so is the paper, QA stares at you. 40 questions still to solve. It may be easy but dude!! you need time to solve even the easy ones. Where in the world is time?

Finally the invigilator comes and tells you its time. Snatches your OMR sheets as you try to mark that last answer which you think might make or break your life.

Now that you are out, you think about all the things that you will do this week, so that you do well in the next mock.

The next mock comes. Its the same ol' story. It keeps on happening. Mock after mock after mock.

Well i don't mind the blows i get now. I don't mind what i score now. I'll be too happy not to score now and score finally on D-day. To have the last & final laugh.

October 9, 2008

Wanna get rich?

Every man dreams of becoming rich someday.

To be able to own that perfect house, that one car. Buy those clothes you always wanted. To be able to live in luxury all your life.

And everyone wants an easy way to achieve all this.

Well!! The beggars show one of those ways to earn big bucks.

To know more... click here.

Let's Live India!

Its time we start living!!!

Happy Dussehra!

Its Dussehra today. It marks the win of good over evil. Victory of Rama over Ravana.

Today's world/society faces many evils. Terrorism, corruption, gradual fall of human values to name a few.

Don't we need a Rama now to free us from these Ravana's?