November 30, 2008

I have had enough

It has been almost 4 days. 4 days of terror, unimaginable, unprecedented terror. I am shocked, stunned. I am angry. And I am shit scared.

4 days ago on 26th November, few terrorists wrecked havoc in Mumbai. They fired openly at innocent people, took many people hostage & shattered couple of 5 star hotels.

Friends and family have been asking me how i am? I have to tell them i am fine, i am alive. That this time, i was safe. But am i really fine? Physically yes. Mentally?? I am shattered. I am scared. I will not be the same again. From now on whenever i travel in a bus or train, i will suspect each and every co-passenger. I will wonder whether any one of those is carrying a gun or a bomb. I will be scared to walk in open, to go to restaurants for dinner, go shopping in a mall. These terrorists have changed the way we live.

Mumbai has been attacked many times before. Everytime we have returned to normalcy quite fast. We have been resiliant. We have told the terrorists that what ever you do, we will not let it affect us. We will still live our lives the way we do. And this motivated them to come back at us harder and in a bigger way.

We have been resiliant enough. We have always become used to the life that we have been given. But its enough now. I have had enough. Its not time to be more resiliant. Its time to show the terrorists that we won't accept it any more. Its time to tell those people that if you attack us, you will be hurt more. For this we have to change. We have to stop accepting things and stop getting used to it. We have to start fighting.

Its time we stop blaming each other. Its time we stop being selfish. Its time we all unite and stand up against these messengers of terror and tell them that we have had enough. Either you stop or you pay the price.

Also its time to pay a tribute to all those brave commandos, army men & police men who laid their lives so that we could sleep peacefully. Thank you!