October 12, 2008

The fight continues...

Week after week after week, the fight goes on. The struggle continues. I know not till when.

It was not the usual devil this time. But it was a closely related brother.

You think the brother is not so dangerous. That you can easily owerpower it. That finally it will be you who will be victorious.

But by the end of the bout, its him who is laughing at you. Just like his brother does everyweek. Lauging at you from the corner after he has made a mockery of you.

And you hope that next week it will be your day. It will be you who will be laughing.

Week after week after week, the mocks come and go. They hit u so hard that u don't even realise. And by the time they go u are left wondering what to do.

This week it was not mockCAT, but mockSNAP.

SNAP is considered to be easy compared to its counterpart CAT. But then you forget that it got more questions and less time. 150 questions in 120 min.

Add to that the GK section. 40 questions of general knowledge. What do they get by putting all those history, geography & civics questions which you had studied but don't know when. I mean its an MBA entrance. Let there not be GK. And if it is there let it be only business related. Not some 100AD waala history.

Then there is the analytical section. Well its heaven for me atleast. Scored more than 50% of marks in that section. Glad they give 2 marks for a right answer here.

And then comes the verbal. The ambiguous VA. Where you never know what the actual answer is. 40 questions where you are not sure whether what you are attempting is right or wrong.

And when you finish these three sections and you feel that time is up and so is the paper, QA stares at you. 40 questions still to solve. It may be easy but dude!! you need time to solve even the easy ones. Where in the world is time?

Finally the invigilator comes and tells you its time. Snatches your OMR sheets as you try to mark that last answer which you think might make or break your life.

Now that you are out, you think about all the things that you will do this week, so that you do well in the next mock.

The next mock comes. Its the same ol' story. It keeps on happening. Mock after mock after mock.

Well i don't mind the blows i get now. I don't mind what i score now. I'll be too happy not to score now and score finally on D-day. To have the last & final laugh.

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